Get traditional load balancing information - DescribeULB
Get CLB Details
Public Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Action | string | Corresponding API command name, the current API is DescribeULB . | Yes |
PublicKey | string | The user’s public key can be obtained from Console | Yes |
Signature | string | User signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature Algorithm | Yes |
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Region | string | Region. See List of Regions and Availability Zones | Yes |
ProjectId | string | Project ID. If not filled in, the default project is used, sub-accounts must be filled in. Please refer to the GetProjectList interface . | No |
Offset | int | Data offset, default is 0 | No |
Limit | int | Data pagination value, default is 20 | No |
ULBId | string | The Id of the traditional load balancing instance. If specified, the information of the specified traditional load balancing instance will be returned; if not specified, the information of all traditional load balancing instances in the current data center will be returned. | No |
VPCId | string | VPC that CLB belongs to | No |
SubnetId | string | Subnet ID to which CLB belongs | No |
BusinessId | string | Business Group ID to which CLB belongs | No |
Response Field
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
RetCode | int | Return status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure. | Yes |
Action | string | Operation command name. | Yes |
Message | string | Returns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero. | No |
TotalCount | int | Total number of qualified CLB | No |
DataSet | array[ULBSet] | CLB List, see ULBSet for each parameter detail | No |
Data Model
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
ULBId | string | Resource ID of ULB | No |
Name | string | Resource Name of ULB | No |
Tag | string | Business Group Name of Load Balancing | No |
Remark | string | Remarks on Load Balancing | No |
BandwidthType | int | Bandwidth type, enumeration values are: 0, non-shared bandwidth; 1, shared bandwidth. | No |
Bandwidth | int | Bandwidth | No |
CreateTime | int | Creation time of ULB, in Unix Timestamp format | No |
IPSet | array[ULBIPSet] | Detailed information list of ULB, see ULBIPSet for specific structure. | No |
VServerSet | array[ULBVServerSet] | List of VServer instances existing in the Load Balancer instance, see ULBVServerSet structure below for details. | No |
ULBType | string | The type of ULB | No |
IPVersion | string | ULB IP type, enumeration value: IPv6 / IPv4 (internal testing, not yet open to the public) | No |
SnatIps | array[string] | Backward proxy IP of ULB, only returns when there is a proxy IP No | No |
ListenType | string | ULB Listener Type, enumeration values: RequestProxy, request proxy; PacketsTransmit, packet forwarding; Comprehensive, compatible; Pending, undefined | No |
VPCId | string | The ID of the VPC where the ULB is located | No |
SubnetId | string | When ULB is in InnerMode, the subnet ID to which ULB belongs, default is null. | No |
BusinessId | string | Business Group ID to which ULB belongs | No |
PrivateIP | string | The internal IP of ULB, this value is null when ULBType is OuterMode. | No |
FirewallSet | array[FirewallSet] | Firewall Information, see the specific structure below in FirewallSet | No |
EnableLog | int | Is the ULB log function enabled? 0, Off; 1, On | No |
LogSet | LoggerSet | Log function related information, only returned when EnableLog is true, see LoggerSet structure below. | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
OperatorName | string | Operator information for Elastic IP, enumeration values are: Bgp: BGP IP International: International IP | No |
EIP | string | Elastic IP Address | No |
EIPId | string | Elastic IP ID | No |
BandwidthType | int | The bandwidth type of Elastic IP, enumeration value: 1 indicates shared bandwidth, 0 ordinary bandwidth type (not yet open to the public) | No |
Bandwidth | int | Bandwidth value of Elastic IP (not yet open to the public) | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
MonitorType | string | Health check type, enumeration values: Port -> Port check; Path -> Path check; Ping -> Ping detection, Customize -> UDP check The default value for request proxy type is Port, where TCP protocol only supports Port, other protocols support Port and Path; Message forwarding type TCP protocol only supports Port, UDP protocol supports Ping, Port and Customize. | Yes |
PersistenceType | string | VServer session persistence method. Enumerated values are: None -> Turn off session persistence; ServerInsert -> Auto-generated; UserDefined -> User-defined. | Yes |
ULBId | string | Id of the Load Balancing Instance | No |
Domain | string | Confirm according to MonitorType; When MonitorType is Port, this field is meaningless. When MonitorType is Path, it represents the HTTP check domain. | No |
Path | string | Confirm according to MonitorType; When MonitorType is Port, this field is meaningless. When MonitorType is Path, it represents the HTTP check path. | No |
RequestMsg | string | Confirm according to MonitorType; When MonitorType is Customize, this field is meaningful, representing the request message sent by UDP check. | No |
ResponseMsg | string | Confirm according to MonitorType; When MonitorType is Customize, this field is meaningful, representing the response message that the UDP check request should receive. | No |
VServerId | string | Id of the VServer instance | No |
VServerName | string | Name of the VServer instance | No |
Protocol | string | The protocol of the VServer instance. Enumeration values are: HTTP, TCP, UDP, HTTPS. | No |
FrontendPort | int | VServer Service Port | No |
Method | string | The mode of VServer load balancing, enumeration values: Roundrobin -> Round Robin; Source -> Source Address; ConsistentHash -> Consistent Hashing; SourcePort -> Source Address (Compute Port); ConsistentHashPort -> Consistent Hashing (Compute Port). | No |
PersistenceInfo | string | Determined by PersistenceType: None or ServerInsert, this field is empty; UserDefined, this field displays the user-defined session string. | No |
ClientTimeout | int | Idle connection recovery time, unit: seconds. | No |
Status | int | The running status of VServer. Enumeration values: 0 -> all rs running normally; 1 -> all rs running abnormally; 2 -> some rs running abnormally. | No |
SSLSet | array[ULBSSLSet] | The SSL certificate information bound to VServer, see ULBSSLSet for specific structure. | No |
BackendSet | array[ULBBackendSet] | Backend resource information list, see ULBBackendSet structure below. | No |
ListenType | string | Listener type, enumeration values are: RequestProxy -> Request Proxy; PacketsTransmit -> Packet Forwarding | No |
PolicySet | array[ULBPolicySet] | Content forwarding information list, see ULBPolicySet for specific structure. | No |
EnableCompression | int | Data compression switch, 0: Off 1: On | No |
SecurityPolicy | BindSecurityPolicy | Security policy bound to VServer, see BindSecurityPolicy for specific structure. | No |
ForwardPort | int | Redirect port, value range [0-65535]; the default value is 0, representing closure; only the HTTP protocol supports the opening of the redirect function. | No |
EnableHTTP2 | int | 0: Off 1: On, used to enable the http2 feature; the default value is 0 | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
FirewallName | string | Firewall Name | No |
FirewallId | string | Firewall ID | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
BucketName | string | ULB log upload bucket | No |
TokenID | string | TokenID of the token used to upload to the bucket | No |
TokenName | string | Name of the bucket’s token | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
SSLId | string | Id of SSL Certificate | No |
SSLName | string | Name of the SSL Certificate | No |
SSLType | string | SSL Certificate type, currently only Pem type is available | No |
SSLContent | string | Content of the SSL Certificate | No |
CreateTime | int | Creation time of the SSL certificate | No |
HashValue | string | HASH value of SSL certificate | No |
BindedTargetSet | array[SSLBindedTargetSet] | Object bound to the SSL certificate | No |
SSLSource | int | Source of SSL Certificate, Source of SSL Certificate, 0 represents the certificate is from the ULB platform, 1 represents the certificate is from the USSL platform. | No |
USSLId | string | The ID of the USSL Certificate Platform, only appears when SSLSource is 1. | No |
Domains | string | Domain name of the SSL Certificate platform, when there are multiple domain names, extended domain names are not displayed. | No |
NotBefore | int | Certificate Issuance Time | No |
NotAfter | int | Certificate Expiration Time | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
BackendId | string | Id of the backend resource instance | No |
ResourceType | string | Type of Resource Instance | No |
ResourceId | string | Resource ID of the resource instance | No |
ResourceName | string | Resource name of the resource instance | No |
SubResourceType | string | The type of virtual network card instance bound to the resource | No |
SubResourceId | string | Resource Id of the virtual network card instance bound to the resource | No |
SubResourceName | string | The name of the resource instance of the virtual network card bound to the resource | No |
PrivateIP | string | Intranet IP of the backend service | No |
Port | int | Port for backend service provision | No |
Enabled | int | Whether the instance providing backend services is enabled or not, enumeration values: 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled. | No |
Status | int | The running status of the instance providing backend services, enumeration values: 0 Health check healthy status 1 Health check abnormal | No |
SubnetId | string | The ID of the subnet where the resources providing backend services are located | No |
IsBackup | int | Whether it is a backup, this field will only exist when the Backup attribute of vserver is 1, explanation: 0: Main rs 1: Backup rs | No |
Weight | int | Backend RS Weight (Effective under Weighted Round Robin Algorithm) | No |
VPCId | string | The VPC where the backend server is located | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
DomainMatchMode | string | The matching method of the domain name in the content forwarding rules. Enumerated values: Regular, regular expression; Wildcard, wildcard domain. | No |
PolicyId | string | Content forwarding Id, empty by default under the content forwarding type. | No |
PolicyType | string | Content Type, enumeration values: Custom -> Customer Defined; Default -> Default Content Forwarding | No |
Type | string | The type of content forwarding matching field, enumeration value: Domain -> domain; Path -> path; The default content forwarding type is empty. | No |
Match | string | Content forwarding matching field; empty under the default content forwarding type. | No |
PolicyPriority | int | Content forwarding priority, range [1,9999], the larger the number, the higher the priority. The default content forwarding rule is 0. | No |
VServerId | string | Belonging VServerId | No |
TotalCount | int | Returns the total number of rs under the default content forwarding type | No |
BackendSet | array[PolicyBackendSet] | Detailed information about rs under content forwarding, refer to PolicyBackendSet | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
SecurityPolicyId | string | Security Policy Group ID | No |
SecurityPolicyName | string | Security Policy Group Name | No |
TLSVersion | string | Minimum TLS Version | No |
SSLCiphers | array[string] | Encryption Suite | No |
SecurityPolicyType | int | Security policy type 0: Predefined 1: Custom | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
BackendId | string | The object ID of the added backend resource in ULB, (used in the ULB system, unrelated to the resource’s own ID) | No |
ResourceType | string | The type of backend resources added, enumeration values: UHost -> Cloud Host; UPM -> Physical Cloud Host; UDHost -> Private Zone Host; UDocker -> Container; UHybrid->Hybrid Cloud Host; CUBE->Cube; UNI -> Virtual Network Card. | No |
ResourceName | string | Instance name of backend resources | No |
SubResourceId | string | If the resource is bound to an elastic network card, display the resource ID of the elastic network card. | No |
SubResourceName | string | If the resource is bound to an elastic network card, display the resource name of the elastic network card. | No |
SubResourceType | string | ”UNI” or empty | No |
ObjectId | string | Object ID of backend resources | No |
Port | int | The backend resource service port added | No |
PrivateIP | string | Intranet IP of Backend Resources | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
VServerId | string | Resource ID of the VServer to which the SSL certificate is bound | No |
VServerName | string | The name of the corresponding VServer | No |
ULBId | string | The resource ID of the ULB instance to which the VServer belongs | No |
ULBName | string | Name of the ULB instance | No |
Request Example
Response Example
"Action": "DescribeULBResponse",
"DataSet": [
"Bandwidth": 0,
"BandwidthType": 0,
"BusinessId": "",
"CreateTime": 1529909322,
"IPSet": [],
"Name": "ULB",
"PrivateIP": "",
"Remark": "",
"SubnetId": "",
"Tag": "Default",
"ULBId": "ulb-XXXX",
"ULBType": "OuterMode",
"VPCId": "uvnet-XXX",
"VServerSet": [
"BackendSet": [
"BackendId": "backend-XXXX",
"Enabled": 1,
"Port": 80,
"PrivateIP": "10.25.XXX.17",
"ResourceId": "uhost-XXXX",
"ResourceName": "test",
"ResourceType": "UHost",
"Status": 0,
"SubnetId": "subnet-hi50vf"
"ClientTimeout": 60,
"CreateTime": 1529909432,
"Domain": "",
"EnableCompression": 1,
"EnableHTTP2": 1,
"ForwardPort": 4,
"FrontendPort": 80,
"ListenType": "RequestProxy",
"Method": "Roundrobin",
"MetricIdSet": [
"MetricId": "69538bf3-00bc-4385-85cc-XXXX",
"Type": "OuterMode"
"MonitorType": "Port",
"Path": "",
"PersistenceInfo": "",
"PersistenceType": "None",
"PolicySet": [
"BackendSet": [
"BackendId": "backend-XXXXX",
"ObjectId": "b47f082b-684f-4d5c-8dc4-XXXXX",
"Port": 80,
"PrivateIP": "10.25.XXX.17",
"ResourceName": "test"
"Match": "",
"PolicyId": "",
"PolicyPriority": 0,
"PolicyType": "Default",
"TotalCount": 1,
"Type": "",
"VServerId": "vserver-XXXX"
"Protocol": "HTTP",
"SSLSet": [],
"SecurityPolicy": {},
"Status": 0,
"VServerId": "vserver-XXXX",
"VServerName": "VServer"
"RetCode": 0,
"TotalCount": 1