Obtain UK8S cluster node information - ListUK8SClusterNodeV2
Obtain UK8S cluster node information
Public Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Action | string | Corresponding API command name, the current API is ListUK8SClusterNodeV2 . | Yes |
PublicKey | string | The user’s public key can be obtained from Console | Yes |
Signature | string | User signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature Algorithm | Yes |
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Region | string | Region. See List of Regions and Availability Zones | Yes |
ProjectId | string | Project ID. If not filled in, the default project is used, sub-accounts must be filled in. Please refer to the GetProjectList interface . | No |
ClusterId | string | UK8S Cluster ID | Yes |
Response Field
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
RetCode | int | Return status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure. | Yes |
Action | string | Operation command name. | Yes |
Message | string | Returns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero. | No |
NodeSet | array[NodeInfoV2] | Details of the node, see NodeInfoV2. | Yes |
TotalCount | int | The number of nodes that meet the conditions, including Master. | Yes |
Data Model
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Zone | string | Node’s Availability Zone | Yes |
NodeId | string | NodeId, the unique identifier of the Node in UK8S, such as uk8s-reewqe5-sdasadsda | Yes |
NodeRole | string | Node role, enumeration values are master, node | Yes |
NodeStatus | string | Node status: Enumeration values: Initialization: “Initializing”; Starting: “Starting”; Running: “Running”; Stopping: “Stopping”; Stopped: “Stopped”; To Be Deleted: “ToBeDeleted”; Deleting: “Deleting”; Error: “Error”; Install Fail: “Install Fail”. | Yes |
InstanceType | string | The resource type of the Node node, the enumeration value is UHost or UPHost. | Yes |
InstanceName | string | Resource Name, initial value equals NodeId, users can modify it at UHost or UPHost. | Yes |
InstanceId | string | Resource ID, such as uhost-xxxx, or uphost-xxxxx. | Yes |
MachineType | string | Type of machine, corresponding to MachineType of Uhost or PHostType of PHost. | Yes |
OsType | string | The type of operating system for the Node, such as Linux or Windows. | Yes |
OsName | string | The image name of the Node node. | Yes |
CPU | int | Number of CPU cores in the Node, unit: pieces. | Yes |
Memory | int | Memory size, unit: MB. | Yes |
IPSet | array[UHostIPSet] | Node IP information, see UHostIPSet for details. | Yes |
CreateTime | int | Node Creation Time | Yes |
ExpireTime | int | Node Billing Expiration Time | Yes |
AsgId | string | The ID of the scaling group to which the node belongs. For nodes not created by the scaling group, the scaling group ID is Default. | Yes |
Unschedulable | boolean | Whether to allow Pod scheduling to this node, the enumeration value is true or false. | Yes |
KubeProxy | KubeProxy | Information on kubeproxy, see KubeProxy for details. | Yes |
NodeLogInfo | string | When adding a node, determine whether there are no resources. If NORESOURCE is returned, it means there are no resources left. | Yes |
GPU | int | The number of GPUs in the node. | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Type | string | International: International, BGP: Bgp, Private Network: Private | No |
IPId | string | Resource ID of IP (No corresponding resource ID for internal IP) | No |
IP | string | IP Address | No |
Bandwidth | int | Bandwidth corresponding to the IP, unit: Mb (Bandwidth information is not displayed for internal IP) | No |
VPCId | string | VPC ID corresponding to the IP address | No |
SubnetId | string | Subnet ID corresponding to the IP address | No |
Mac | string | MAC Address | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Mode | string | KubeProxy mode, enumeration values are [ipvs, iptables] | No |
Request Example
Response Example
"Action": "ListUK8SClusterNodeV2Response",
"MasterList": [
"AsgId": "ZSoMzQUG",
"BasicImageName": "AvDDPeuv",
"CPU": 9,
"CreateTime": 1,
"ExpireTime": 9,
"GPU": 3,
"HostType": "CiqztSMG",
"IPSet": [
"Bandwidth": 1,
"Default": "fkBpzlPQ",
"IP": "AEMpLpMr",
"IPId": "ZJQDIEzr",
"Mac": "rjizzEse",
"SubnetId": "bxYSrMgl",
"Type": "shzOBwxT",
"VPCId": "bjpJSrMz"
"InstanceId": "rbTPwvaj",
"InstanceName": "zbUQMbej",
"MachineType": "opgyDvSn",
"Memory": 9,
"NodeId": "gNvfqKWV",
"OsName": "bgpWkLID",
"OsType": "vkzHZoYO",
"State": "EyECtWVo",
"UHostDiskSet": [
"BackupType": "GPAKbeiX",
"DiskId": "ILwnaPJR",
"DiskType": "qIGGJZOD",
"Drive": "uHjecSxj",
"Encrypted": "CmdZIplB",
"IOPS": 4,
"IsBoot": "svkrxtpA",
"Name": "QfPxfuar",
"Size": 3,
"Type": "WhHaGvPu"
"Zone": "flRgPYsL"
"NodeList": {},
"RetCode": 0