Retrieve Host Information - DescribeUHostInstance
Obtain information on the host or host list, and filter based on parameters such as data center, host ID, etc.
Public Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Action | string | Corresponding API command name, the current API is DescribeUHostInstance . | Yes |
PublicKey | string | The user’s public key can be obtained from Console | Yes |
Signature | string | User signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature Algorithm | Yes |
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Region | string | Region. See List of Regions and Availability Zones | Yes |
Zone | string | Availability Zone. See Availability Zone List | No |
ProjectId | string | Project ID. If not filled in, the default project is used, sub-accounts must be filled in. Please refer to the GetProjectList interface . | No |
UHostIds.N | string | [Array] The resource ID of the UHost machine, for example, UHostIds.0 represents the host 1 you want to get information from, and UHostIds.1 represents host 2. If not passed in, it will return all UHost instances in the current Region that meet the conditions. | No |
Tag | string | The name of the business group to be queried | No |
Offset | int | List start position offset, default is 0 | No |
Limit | int | Return data length, default is 20, maximum 100 | No |
IsolationGroup | string | Hardware isolation group id. Filter hosts through the hardware isolation group. | No |
VPCId | string | VPC ID. Filter hosts through VPC. Beijing 1 region is invalid. | No |
SubnetId | string | Subnet id. Filter hosts through subnet. Beijing Zone 1 is invalid. | No |
UDiskIdForAttachment | string | The ID of the cloud disk to be mounted, filter and return the cloud host that can be mounted by UDiskId. Currently mainly used for rssd cloud disk. | No |
Response Field
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
RetCode | int | Return status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure. | Yes |
Action | string | Operation command name. | Yes |
Message | string | Returns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero. | No |
TotalCount | int | Total Number of UHost Instances | Yes |
UHostSet | array[UHostInstanceSet] | List of cloud host instances, each parameter can be seen below in UHostInstanceSet. | Yes |
Data Model
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Zone | string | Availability Zone. See Availability Zone List | No |
UHostId | string | UHost Instance ID | No |
UHostType | string | [Suggested not to use anymore] Cloud host machine type (old). Refer to Cloud host machine type description. | No |
MachineType | string | Cloud Host Model (New). Refer to Cloud Host Model Description. | No |
CpuPlatform | string | Cloud Host CPU Platform. Refer to Cloud Host Type Description. | No |
StorageType | string | [Recommended not to use] Host disk type. Enumeration values are: > LocalDisk, local disk; > UDisk, cloud disk. As long as there is a local disk, it returns LocalDisk. | No |
ImageId | string | [Recommended not to use] The system disk ID of the host. | No |
BasicImageId | string | Base Image ID (refers to the source image of the current custom image) | No |
BasicImageName | string | Base Image Name (referring to the source image of the current custom image) | No |
Tag | string | Business Group Name | No |
Remark | string | Note | No |
Name | string | UHost Instance Name | No |
State | string | Instance Status, enumeration values: >Initializing: Initializing; >Starting: Starting; > Running: Running; > Stopping: Stopping; >Stopped: Stopped >Install Fail: Install Fail; >Rebooting: Rebooting; > Unknown (empty string, status retrieval timed out or error): | No |
CreateTime | int | Creation time, in Unix timestamp format | No |
ChargeType | string | Billing mode, enumeration values are: Year, pay annually; Month, pay monthly; Dynamic, pay as you go (permission needs to be enabled); Preemptive is for preemptive instances; | No |
ExpireTime | int | Expiration time, in Unix timestamp format | No |
CPU | int | Number of virtual CPU cores, unit: pieces | No |
Memory | int | Memory size, unit: MB | No |
AutoRenew | string | Whether to renew automatically, automatic renewal: “Yes”, no automatic renewal: “No”. | No |
DiskSet | array[UHostDiskSet] | See UHostDiskSet for disk information. | No |
IPSet | array[UHostIPSet] | See details in UHostIPSet | No |
NetCapability | string | Network Enhancement. Normal: None; Super: Network Enhancement 1.0; Ultra: Network Enhancement 2.0 | No |
NetworkState | string | [Recommended not to use] Network status. Connection: Connected, Disconnected: NotConnected | No |
TimemachineFeature | string | [Recommended not to use] UDataArk mode. Enumeration value: > Yes: UDataArk enabled; > No: UDataArk not enabled | No |
SubnetType | string | [Recommended not to use] Only the cloud host in Beijing A will return this field. Basic network mode: Default; Subnet mode: Private | No |
OsName | string | The name of the operating system of the original source image when creating the host (if created directly through the basic image, the return here is consistent with BasicImageName) | No |
OsType | string | Category of operating system. Returns ‘Linux’ or ‘Windows’. | No |
HostType | string | [Recommended not to use] Host Series: N2, represents Series 2; N1, represents Series 1 | No |
LifeCycle | string | The lifecycle type of the host. Currently, only Normal: Ordinary is supported. | No |
GPU | int | Number of GPUs | No |
GpuType | string | GPU Type; Enumeration Values [“K80”, “P40”, “V100”, “T4”, “T4S”,“2080Ti”,“2080Ti-4C”,“1080Ti”, “T4/4”, “MI100”, “V100S”] | No |
HotPlugMaxCpu | int | The maximum number of CPUs supported by hot upgrade | No |
BootDiskState | string | The status of the system disk ‘Normal’ indicates initialization is complete; ‘Initializing’ indicates it is still initializing. System disks that are still initializing cannot create images. | No |
TotalDiskSpace | int | Total data disk storage space. | No |
IsolationGroup | string | Isolation group id, return if not in the isolation group. | No |
RdmaClusterId | string | RDMA cluster id, only returned by outstanding cloud host; other types of cloud hosts return "". When the value of this cloud host is the same as the RdmaClusterId of the RSSD cloud disk, the RSSD can be mounted to this cloud host. | No |
RestrictMode | string | Only preemptive instances are returned, LowSpeed is the slow mode, PowerOff is the shutdown mode. | No |
HotplugFeature | boolean | true: Hot upgrade enabled; false, hot upgrade not enabled | No |
CloudInitFeature | boolean | true: Supports initialization via cloutinit; false: Does not support | No |
IPv6Feature | boolean | true: Has IPv6 feature; false, does not have IPv6 feature | No |
HpcFeature | boolean | true: HPC series function enabled; false: Not enabled | No |
EpcInstance | boolean | true: High-performance computing host; false: Not | No |
SecGroupInstance | boolean | true: Host bound to a security group; false: Not bound | No |
HiddenKvm | boolean | true: Enable hidden KVM feature; false: No | No |
KeyPair | UHostKeyPair | See UHostKeyPair for key information | No |
UDHostAttribute | UDSetUDHostAttribute | UDSet Host Properties | No |
SpotAttribute | SpotAttribute | Bidding Instance Information | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
DiskType | string | Disk type. Please refer to Disk Type. | Yes |
IsBoot | string | Is it a system disk. Enumeration value: > True, it is a system disk > False, it is a data disk (default). There can only be one disk in the Disks array that is a system disk. | Yes |
Encrypted | string | ”true”: Encrypted Disk “false”: Non-Encrypted Disk | No |
Type | string | [Recommended not to use] Disk type. System disk: Boot, Data disk: Data, Network disk: Udisk | No |
DiskId | string | Disk ID | No |
Name | string | UDisk Name (only returned when the disk is UDisk) | No |
Drive | string | Disk Drive Letter | No |
Size | int | Disk size, unit: GB | No |
BackupType | string | Backup plan. If UDataArk is enabled, then it’s DATAARK. | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
IPMode | string | IPv4/IPv6 | Yes |
Default | string | Under the Private type of the internal network, it indicates whether it is the default network card. true: it is the default network card; other values: no. | No |
Mac | string | Under the Private type of Intranet, the current network card’s Mac. | No |
Weight | int | The current weight of the EIP. The one with the highest weight is the current exit IP. | No |
Type | string | International: International, BGP: Bgp, Private Network: Private | No |
IPId | string | Public IP Resource ID. (Internal IP does not have a corresponding Resource ID) | No |
IP | string | IP Address | No |
Bandwidth | int | Bandwidth corresponding to the IP, unit: Mb (Bandwidth information is not displayed for internal IP) | No |
VPCId | string | The VPC ID corresponding to the IP address. (Not supported in Beijing 1, the field returns empty) | No |
SubnetId | string | The subnet ID corresponding to the IP address. (Not supported in Beijing 1, the field will return empty) | No |
NetworkInterfaceId | string | When the elastic network card is the default network card, return the corresponding ID value. | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
KeyPairId | string | Key Pair ID | No |
KeyPairState | string | Host Key Pair Status, Normal is Normal, Deleted is Deleted | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
UDHostId | string | UDSet Host | No |
UDSetId | string | UDSet | No |
HostBinding | boolean | Is it bound to the UDSet host? | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
RecycleTime | int | Recovery Time | No |
Request Example
Response Example
"Action": "DescribeUHostInstanceResponse",
"RetCode": 0,
"TotalCount": 2,
"UHostSet": [
"AutoRenew": "qSWETQza",
"BasicImageId": "GCiPFJNV",
"BasicImageName": "AilAICpK",
"BootDiskState": "wvOqKxrL",
"CPU": 1,
"ChargeType": "eeXICSgb",
"CloudInitFeature": true,
"CpuPlatform": "aZLBvEiZ",
"CreateTime": 2,
"DiskSet": [
"BackupType": "wThaZMBG",
"DiskId": "HGkYYGPC",
"DiskType": "thFULWJN",
"Drive": "eFKaOPGI",
"Encrypted": "TTUcGitp",
"IsBoot": "uYTOToOh",
"Name": "AIFttSSZ",
"Size": 9,
"Type": "JJZViwCZ"
"EpcInstance": true,
"ExpireTime": 4,
"GPU": 4,
"GpuType": "pJdSxKkv",
"HiddenKvm": false,
"HostType": "dQanjRcq",
"HotplugFeature": true,
"HpcFeature": false,
"IPSet": [
"Bandwidth": 2,
"Default": "PemrNWxq",
"IP": "hGoWLqyN",
"IPId": "qBthvXCJ",
"SubnetId": "owZpgAju",
"Type": "TBHMANhj",
"IPv6Feature": true,
"ImageId": "laKdatME",
"IsolationGroup": "uUbVSIFS",
"KeyPair": {},
"LifeCycle": "wtcCMMQT",
"MachineType": "PyCWLFIG",
"Memory": 9,
"Name": "gsILwqks",
"NetCapability": "txhhItss",
"NetworkState": "jquNUNJz",
"OsName": "QHGtNxIw",
"OsType": "CnavCvrW",
"RdmaClusterId": "TqrHYSXc",
"Remark": "MxEcJQhA",
"RestrictMode": "EeJHESCx",
"SecGroupInstance": false,
"State": "UtnhXfCa",
"StorageType": "tEDwzsXb",
"SubnetType": "ZSfByswJ",
"Tag": "GbFHtrBQ",
"TimemachineFeature": "tZqkqfws",
"TotalDiskSpace": 3,
"UHostId": "qPzuUUCE",
"UHostType": "QaByhkja",
"Zone": "CiMUTSzW"