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Network Load Balance(NLB)DescribeNetworkLoadBalancers

DescribeNetworkLoadBalancers - DescribeNetworkLoadBalancers




Public Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ActionstringCorresponding API command name, the current API is DescribeNetworkLoadBalancers.Yes
PublicKeystringThe user’s public key can be obtained from ConsoleYes
SignaturestringUser signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature AlgorithmYes

Request Parameters

Parameter NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RegionstringRegion. See Region and Zone ListYes
ProjectIdstringProject ID. Leave it blank for the default project. Sub-accounts must fill in. Please refer to the GetProjectList APINo
ForwardingModestringForwarding Type of Load Balancing InstanceNo
ShowDetailbooleanDo you want to get detailed information about the listener and backend service nodes?No
NLBIds.NstringID of the load balancing instance, arrayNo
VPCIdstringSpecify the VPC locationNo
SubnetIdstringSpecify the subnetNo
OffsetintData offset, default is 0No
LimitintData pagination value, default is 100No

Response Field

Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RetCodeintReturn status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure.Yes
ActionstringOperation command name.Yes
MessagestringReturns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero.No
TotalCountintTotal number of load balancing instances that meet the conditionsYes
NLBsarray[NetworkLoadBalancer]Returned load balance instance listYes

Data Model


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
NLBIdstringID of the Load Balancing InstanceNo
NamestringName of the Load Balancing InstanceNo
TagstringThe Business Group ID to which the Load Balancer instance belongsNo
RemarkstringRemarks information of the load balancing instanceNo
IPVersionstringSupported IP protocol version for Load Balancer instanceNo
VPCIdstringThe Resource ID of the VPC to which the Load Balancer instance belongsNo
SubnetIdstringSubnet resource ID to which the load balancing instance belongsNo
IPInfosarray[IPInfo]Bound IP InformationNo
ForwardingModestringForwarding mode of the load balancing instanceNo
ChargeTypestringPayment ModeNo
PurchaseValueintValidity Period (Billing)No
CreateTimeintLoad balancing instance creation time. The format is Unix Timestamp.No
StatusstringNLB Status: Normal-Normal; Arrears-Service suspended due to arrearsNo
AutoRenewEnabledbooleanEnable auto-renewalNo


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
IdstringUnique Identifier IDNo
IPstringIP AddressNo
TypeintIP Type, 1 (Forward IP) / 2 (Backward IP)No
IPVersionstringIP Protocol Version, limited enumeration values: “IPv4” / “IPv6”No
AddressTypestringNetwork mode, limited enumeration values: “Internet” / “Intranet”.No
OperatorNamestringISP information of the public IP, limited enumeration values: “Telecom” / “Unicom”/“International”/“Bgp”/“Duplet”/“BGPPro”/“China-mobile”/“Anycast”.No
BandwidthTypeintBandwidth type, limited enumeration values: 0 (Ordinary bandwidth) / 1 (Shared bandwidth)No
BandwidthintBandwidth value. Unit MNo


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
ListenerIdstringListener’s IDNo
NamestringName of the ListenerNo
RemarkstringRemarks on the ListenerNo
StartPortintStart port of the port rangeNo
EndPortintEnd port of the port rangeNo
ProtocolstringMonitoring protocol, limited to the values: “TCP”/“UDP”.No
SchedulerstringLoad balancing algorithm, limited values: “RoundRobin”/“SourceHash”/“LeastConn”/“WeightLeastConn ”/“WeightRoundRobin “No
StickinessTimeoutintSession keep-alive timeout. Unit: seconds, 0 means session keep-alive is not enabled.No
ForwardSrcIPMethodstringMethod of transmitting source IP. Limited values: "" / “None” / “Toa”, empty string and None represent closed.No
HealthCheckConfigHealthCheckConfigHealth Check Related ConfigurationNo
Targetsarray[Target]Service Node InformationNo
StatestringListener health status, “Healthy”/“Unhealthy”/“PartialHealth”/“None”.No


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
EnabledbooleanWhether to enable the health check function.No
PortintHealth Check Probe Port
Limited value range: [1-65535]
TypestringHealth Check Method
Limited values: “Port”/“UDP”/“Ping”/“HTTP”
Default value: “Port”
IntervalintHealth Check Interval Time
Limited value range: [1-60] in seconds
Default is 2s
MinSuccessintMinimum Health Check Successes
Limited value range: [1-10]
Default 3
MaxFailintMaximum Health Check Failures
Limited value range: [1-10]
Default 3
ReqMsgstringRequest string for “UDP” check mode
Request json string for “HTTP” check mode
ResMsgstringExpected response string for ‘UDP’ check mode
Response status code for ‘HTTP’ check mode


Field NameTypeDescription InformationRequired
RegionstringService Node LocationNo
ResourceTypestringType of service nodeNo
ResourceIdstringResource ID of the service node. Must be passed when not of IP type.No
ResourceNamestringResource Name of Service NodeNo
VPCIdstringThe VPC resource ID of the service node. It is required when the IP type is passed.No
SubnetIdstringThe subnet resource ID of the service node. Must be passed when the IP type is used.No
ResourceIPstringIP of the service node. Must be provided when the IP type is set.No
PortintPort of the service nodeNo
WeightintThe weight of the service node. Support for updates.No
EnabledbooleanIs the service node enabled?No
IdstringService node identification ID
No need to pass when adding a service node
Must pass when updating service node attributes
StatestringHealth check status of the service node
Displayed when describing service node information
Limited enumeration values: “Healthy”/“Unhealthy”.


Request Example &Region=cn-zj &Zone=cn-zj-01 &ProjectId=XWnVXDaH &ForwardingMode=fmjZHeSw &ShowDetail=true &NLBIds=fCoyYvnX &VPCId=SNnuSFGY &SubnetId=bDacFudp &Offset=3 &Limit=9

Response Example

{ "Action": "DescribeNetworkLoadBalancersResponse", "NLBs": [ { "AutoRenewEnabled": false, "ChargeType": "aljeUkow", "CreateTime": 9, "ForwardingMode": "IpUKAiWW", "IPInfos": [ { "Id": "ItnGLdAu" } ], "IPVersion": "GZZZWxKd", "Listeners": [ { "ListenerId": "EVzmnRSu" } ], "LoadBalancerId": "ALcsXnSb", "Name": "XQhsmXrC", "PurchaseValue": 5, "Remark": "FkKQmERh", "Status": "MUXVamxX", "SubnetId": "UAcSxGRB", "Tag": "DbTcdEvu", "VPCId": "WnqetCLB" } ], "RetCode": 0, "TotalCount": 3 }