Check Task - CheckUDTSTask
Provide pre-check function for UDTS tasks
Public Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Action | string | Corresponding API command name, the current API is CheckUDTSTask . | Yes |
PublicKey | string | The user’s public key can be obtained from Console | Yes |
Signature | string | User signature generated based on public key and API command, see Signature Algorithm | Yes |
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
ProjectId | string | Project ID. If not filled in, the default project is used, sub-accounts must be filled in. Please refer to the GetProjectList interface . | No |
Name | string | Task name, length cannot exceed 128 | Yes |
Type | string | Task type, value is either ‘transfer’ or ‘integration’. When it’s ‘transfer’, the task is ‘Data Migration’. When it’s ‘integration’, the task is ‘Data Integration’. | Yes |
MaxRetryCount | string | Retry times, maximum is 5. Default is 0. | Yes |
Source.N.ServiceType | string | Service type, the value can be small, medium, large, corresponding to “Basic Edition”, “Light Edition” and “Flagship Edition” respectively. | Yes |
Source.N.Mode | string | Task mode, the value can be full, incremental, full+incremental, bidirectional | No |
Source.N.DataType | string | Database type, such as mysql | No |
Source.N.NWType | string | Source network type, can be public, user, dedicated_line | No |
Source.N.MySQLNode.Host | string | Source database address, for example | No |
Source.N.MySQLNode.Port | int | Source MySQL port, such as 3306 | No |
Source.N.MySQLNode.User | string | Source MySQL username, such as root | No |
Source.N.MySQLNode.Password | string | Source MySQL Password | No |
Source.N.MySQLNode.VPCId | string | VPC ID, can be obtained from , for example, uvnet-u0ecace | No |
Source.N.MySQLNode.SubnetId | string | Subnet ID, which can be obtained from , for example subnet-2sloxs | No |
Source.N.MySQLNode.DataRegion | string | Database region, for example cn-bj2 | No |
Source.N.MySQLNode.Database | string | Name of the DB to be migrated | No |
Source.N.MySQLNode.Table | string | Name of the table to be migrated | No |
Source.N.MySQLNode.SyncData.BinlogName | string | The binlog name needs to be specified during the incremental time, which can be obtained through the ‘show master status’ command, or it will be automatically set in the full + incremental task. | No |
Source.N.MySQLNode.SyncData.BinlogPos | int | The binlog pos that needs to be specified during incremental time can be obtained through show master status, or it will be automatically set by full + incremental tasks. | No |
Source.N.MySQLNode.SyncData.ServerID | int | The serverID that needs to be specified during the increment cannot be duplicated with the existing slave. This value will be checked during the pre-check. | No |
Source.N.MySQLNode.SyncData.BinlogGTID | string | The binlog gtid that needs to be specified during the incremental time can be obtained through the show master status, or it will be automatically set by the full + incremental task. | No |
QueryData.N.DBName | string | Name of the DB to be migrated during data integration | No |
QueryData.N.NewDBName | string | DB Name after Data Integration Migration | No |
Query | string | Discard | No |
Target.DataType | string | Target database type, for example mysql | No |
Target.NWType | string | Target db network type, currently only supports user | No |
Target.MySQLNode.Host | string | Target database address, for example | No |
Target.MySQLNode.Port | int | Target database port, for example 3306 | No |
Target.MySQLNode.User | string | Target database username, for example root | No |
Target.MySQLNode.Password | string | Target Database Password | No |
Target.MySQLNode.VPCId | string | Target Database VPC, for example uvnet-1wz5rqte | No |
Target.MySQLNode.SubnetId | string | Target database subnet ID, for example subnet-zl44fktq | No |
Target.MySQLNode.DataRegion | string | Target database region, for example cn-bj2 | No |
Response Field
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
RetCode | int | Return status code. If it is 0, it means successful return. If it is not 0, it means failure. | Yes |
Action | string | Operation command name. | Yes |
Message | string | Returns an error message, providing detailed description when RetCode is non-zero. | No |
Data | CheckUDTSTaskResult | Check Result | Yes |
Data Model
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Source | CheckResult | No | |
Target | CheckResult | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
Config | CheckResultItem | No | |
Connection | CheckResultItem | No | |
Privileges | CheckResultItem | No |
Field Name | Type | Description Information | Required |
State | string | Yes | |
ErrMessage | string | Yes |
Request Example
Response Example
"Action": "CheckUDTSTaskResponse",
"Data": {},
"Message": "aKSpQMwy",
"RetCode": 0