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UDTS tasks are divided into full tasks, incremental tasks, full + incremental tasks, and bidirectional synchronization tasks. Each type of task has different phases:

  • Full Task: Dumping -> Loading -> Completed
  • Incremental Task: Synchronizing <-> Synchronized
  • Full + Incremental Task: Dumping -> Loading -> Synchronizing <-> Synchronized
  • Bidirectional Synchronization Task: Synchronizing

The specifics of each phase are as follows:

  • Dumping indicates transferring full data from the source database to the transit server, with specific progress shown as a percentage.
  • Loading indicates loading full data from the transit server to the target database, with specific progress shown as a percentage.
  • Synchronizing indicates the task is in the incremental synchronization phase, where new data from the source database is synchronized to the target database in a timely manner. Incremental synchronization does not have a Completed status. To stop the task, please operate in the console.
  • Synchronized indicates that all new data in the source database has been synchronized to the target database. Since new data may be added to the source database at any time, the states of Synchronizing and Synchronized can switch at any time.

Supported Data Types

Data SourceData TargetFull MigrationIncremental Sync
TiDBMySQLSupportedNot Supported
TiDBTiDBSupportedNot Supported

Full Task Progress

The current task progress is displayed in percentage form.

Method 1: View in List

Method 2: View in Details

Incremental Task Progress

For MySQL/TiDB/Redis tasks, the remaining data size and estimated completion time are displayed.

For MongoDB tasks, the Oplog timestamp and synchronization delay time are displayed.

View in Details