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Operation GuideMaster SlaveMonitoring and Alerting

Monitoring Alerts

Console Monitoring Alert Management

Cloud Memory Redis provides users with various types of monitoring, including usage, connection count, QPS, Key count and many more. It also allows setting up monitoring alerts.

While providing a default alert template, the resource monitoring template interface also allows users to create custom alert templates and customize monitoring items.

When different capacity instances of master-replica Redis share the same alert template configuration for threshold management, users can add monitoring items such as “Redis Average Load (%)” or “Redis Maximum Load (%)” to the alert template and set the appropriate thresholds. “Redis Maximum Load (%)” is more sensitive than “Redis Average Load (%)”; if there is a sudden increase that exceeds the alert threshold, it will trigger an alert. In contrast, “Redis Average Load (%)” triggers an alert only after the average load reaches the alert threshold within one minute. Users can choose settings based on their specific business needs.

Monitoring Item Description

Meaning of Monitoring Items in Primary and Secondary Redis

Monitoring ItemMeaning
Used Memory (MB)Physical memory actually occupied by Redis process, in MB
Number of ConnectionsNumber of client connections to Redis, collected once per minute
Connection Usage Rate (%)Ratio of the number of client connections to Redis to the default number of connections, collected once per minute
QPS(Times/s)Number of command operations per second, collected once per minute, and the average in a minute (if less than 60 in a minute, it is 0)
Instance Key CountNumber of keys in the instance
Hits (Times)Number of hits in Redis command operations, collected once per minute
Hit Rate (%)Ratio of hit counts to operation counts, collected once per minute
Get QPS(Times)Number of read request operations per second, collected once per minute, and the average in a minute (if less than 60 in a minute, it will be 0)
Set QPS(Times)Number of write request operations per second, collected once per minute, and the average in a minute (if less than 60 in a minute, it will be 0)
Instance listQPS(Times)Number of instance’s list type commands per second, collected once per minute, and the average in a minute (if less than 60 in a minute, it will be 0)
Instance stringQPS(Times)Number of instance’s string type commands per second, collected once per minute, and the average in a minute (if less than 60 in a minute, it will be 0)
Instance hashQPS(Times)Number of instance’s hash type commands per second, collected once per minute, and the average in a minute (if less than 60 in a minute, it will be 0)
Instance setQPS(Times)Number of instance’s set type instructions per second, collected once per minute, and the average in a minute (if less than 60 in a minute, it will be 0)
Instance zsetQPS(Times)Number of instance’s zset type commands per second, collected once per minute, and the average in a minute (if less than 60 in a minute, it will be 0)
Instance hyperloglogQPS(Times)Number of instance’s hyperloglog type instructions per second, collected once per minute, and the average in a minute (if less than 60 in a minute, it will be 0)
Instance pubsubQPS(Times)Number of instance’s pubsub type commands per second, collected once per minute, and the average in a minute (if less than 60 in a minute, it will be 0)
Instance transactionQPS(Times)Number of instance’s transaction type instructions per second, collected once per minute, and the average in a minute (if less than 60 in a minute, it will be 0)
Highest Redis Load (%)Collected every 3 seconds, taking the maximum load value within one minute
Network Card Incoming Bandwidth (Bps)Network bandwidth received by Redis, collected once per minute
Network Card Outgoing Bandwidth (KBps)Network bandwidth sent by Redis, collected once per minute
Memory Usage Rate (%)Ratio of memory used to the capacity purchased
Average Redis Load (%)Collected every 3 seconds, taking the average load value within a minute
Memory Fragmentation Rate (%)mem_fragmentation_ratio * 100%. Users can restart Redis to reduce memory fragmentation rate
Master-Replica Sync Status (bool)Monitoring value: 1-meaning the master-replica sync is normal, 0-meaning the master-replica sync has anomalies and needs attention