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Product ArchitecturePerformance Enhanced master-replica Redis

Performance Enhanced master-replica Redis

Performance Enhanced master-replica Redis enhances the performance of Redis version 6.0 and adjusts the number of threads according to the capacity, providing high performance.



Performance Enhanced master-replica Redis supports capacity specifications of 4,6,8,12,16,24,32,40,48,56,64, and all instances are upgraded on Kuaijie.

High Availability Service

It adopts a dual-machine master-replica architecture where the master node provides external access, allowing users to add, delete, modify, and query data via the Redis command line and compatible clients. In the event of a master node failure, an automatic master-slave switchover is performed to maintain uninterrupted business operations.

High Reliability of Data

The data persistence function is enabled by default, ensuring that all data is written to disk. It also supports a data backup feature, allowing users to restore from backups to create new instances, effectively addressing issues related to data misoperations and other concerns.


The enhanced version supports version 6.0 and is compatible with Redis protocol commands.

Relationship between capacity memory and io_thread

Capacityio_threadBandwidth Limit
4G, 6G, 8G, 12G, 16G, 24G, 32G42Gb
40G, 48G, 56G62Gb


The enhanced performance instances do not support the creation of slave libraries.

Only the Kuaijie data center is supported.