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Operation GuideDistributed version RedisData Migration

Data Migration

Distributed Redis Data Migration

UDTS Migration

UDTS can transfer full + incremental tasks to Distributed Redis as the destination end.


1、The number of source and destination cluster nodes do not need to correspond

2、When Redis source is a public network end, and is cluster mode, it is necessary to bind the subnet ID under the target VPC to NATGW to complete the transfer task

3、Ensure that the repl-diskless-sync configuration of the source library is set to NO

Detailed Document:

Redis-port Migration

I. Distributed version of redis-port data synchronization, import dump tool

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The usage is as follows:

./redis-port sync --redis --psync -f sourceIP:sourcePort -t umemIp:6379 [--filterdb=DB_Num]

sourceIP: source Redis IP

sourcePort: source Redis Port

umemIp:umem’s IP

filterdb: optional parameter; if the source Redis has multiple dbs, you can use this parameter, modify DB_Num to select db number

RDB file offline import:

./redis-port restore --input="dump.rdb" -t DstIP:DstPort [--addslot] [--rmslot]


1. Support online data synchronization to umem;

2. Does not support exporting data from umem to self-built Redis, if you have such a need, you can use other export tools or consult technical staff;

3. This tool is open source software, details can be found at;

4. Currently only includes centos version, other version requirements can be compiled from source code;

5. Need to add parameters —redis, —psync when using;

6. Data import from distributed umem offline (through backup import) to self-built or master-replica, needs to add the parameter —rmslot.

Distributed Redis Import Data

You can use redis-port to import data; If the source end Redis is relatively large and the failure rate is high, it is recommended to gradually write data or submit non-standard requirements for assistance with data import. Please note that distributed Redis only supports one DB.

Distributed Redis Export Data

Export is not supported. If you need to export data, please submit a non-standard requirement. The exported data will have keys encoded in the latest format. If you need to restore the data after loading, use the tool decode_key.

II. Distributed Redis key decoding tool decode_key

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For the data files exported from the distribution, each key includes a slot prefix, and you can use this tool to remove the prefix.