Network Enhanced Performance Data
Note: This document is only for performance benchmark testing, representing the maximum performance brought by UDP protocol + small/large packet. The packet volume in specific business scenarios is affected by upper-layer applications and communication protocols, please refer to the actual business pressure test results.
Network Performance Test Indicators
Packet Forwarding Rate (common units: pps): The number of network packets that can be processed each second. It is the core indicator of network enhancement.
Bandwidth (common units: mb/s): Network bandwidth refers to the maximum bit data that can be passed within a fixed time (1 second).
TCP_RR (common unit: times/second): Test the efficiency of multiple TCP request and response in the same TCP connection, this application scenario often appears in database applications.
TCP_CRR (common unit: times/second): Test the efficiency of request and response in multiple TCP connections, each TCP request and response establishes a new TCP connection. The most typical application is HTTP page access requests, each request and response are conducted in a separate TCP connection.
Test Data
Test Environment
Test machine:
Image: CentOS 7.2 64-bit
Specifications: 1) 8-core CPU 16G memory 2) 16-core CPU 32G memory
Auxiliary machine:
Image: CentOS 7.2 64-bit
Specifications: 8-core CPU 16G memory * 8 units
Test 1. Packet Forwarding Rate test
Using UDP_STREAM, small packet (1byte) test.
- Network enhancement can significantly increase Packet Forwarding Rate. Under the UDP test, the peak packet processing ability can reach over 1 million pps, which is 3 times that of the case without network enhancement.
- The packet volume capacity of Surfercloud is irrelevant to the size of the specification.
Test 2. Bandwidth test
Using UDP_STREAM, large packet (1400bytes) test.
Conclusion:Network enhancement can significantly increase bandwidth, but in the outbound test, it has reached the maximum bandwidth bottleneck (10G) of the internal network, so it can’t increase further.
Test 3. TCP_RR and TCP_CRR Test
Conclusion:Since the back and forth path has not changed, a single chain can only walk one core and one channel, there is no difference whether to enable network enhancement or not. Therefore, enabling network enhancement cannot significantly improve TCP_RR and TCP_CRR.