Public IP
The public IP address is the primary means for users to access cloud servers and for server instances to provide external services. On Surfercloud, the public IP is elastically migratable, allowing it to be easily reassigned to other servers in the event of a failure. This feature is known as “Elastic IP.” When creating a server, you can choose to purchase an Elastic IP along with public network bandwidth. An Elastic IP will then be allocated and bound to your server. You can find information about this IP resource in the profile panel of the network product.
Multicast and Broadcast
In the basic network mode, cloud servers support broadcast, but multicast is currently not supported.
A firewall function is available for servers. By binding firewall rules to the cloud server, you can control and manage public network access, ensuring necessary security for the server. The firewall supports TCP, UDP, ICMP, and GRE protocols. Several default firewalls have been created for you, with TCP ports 22 and 3389 and PING enabled by default. You can adjust these settings or create additional firewall policies as you need.