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How should I choose the storage type?

Three types of disks are available for Surfercloud: cloud hard disk (UDisk), local general disk, and local SSD disk.

Among them, the cloud hard disk has 3 redundant backups, high reliability, and can recover in seconds after downtime. The local disk series provides stronger IO performance but comes at a relatively higher price.

The above models are not available in some data centers or are restricted due to inventory limitations. If you find that you are unable to select the required disk, please consult your account manager.

For a detailed comparison of performance/price, please refer to Cloud Host Disk Introduction

Are the firewalls set in the control panel mapped to iptables in the system?

This is a standalone firewall, different from the iptables in the user’s system. We recommend users to use the backend firewall, which achieves the same effect as iptables and is more convenient to operate.

What should I do if the software I want to install cannot be found in the software sources provided by Surfercloud?

If your cloud host has an external network IP, you can install third-party sources. If many users use it, we will add it to the default software source cache. If it is not available in the third-party source, you can download the source code and compile it yourself. If there is no external network IP, please give us feedback, and we will continuously update the software source content.

How to achieve the best performance when using MySQL on an SSD cloud host?

Optimizing MySQL database usage on SSD cloud servers requires the following settings: innodb_io_capacity set to 2000 (this configuration is not needed if using MyISAM)

How to migrate files to the cloud host?

Package locally on the original server, then transfer to the cloud host using methods like scp or ftp.

Do I get charged when the cloud host is down?

Postpaid cloud host does not charge for host CPU, memory, and network enhancements when it is down. Other types of cloud host except postpaid one will still be charged as usual when they are down. Please ensure that unused servers are deleted.

How to enlarge the SWAP partition?

swapoff -a rm /swapfile dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=1024 chmod 600 /swapfile mkswap /swapfile swapon /swapfile

There is a test page on the cloud server, but why is the speed low when using 17ce to get this page?

17ce’s Get is part of a concurrent test. If the bandwidth is only 2M, then each node of 17ce (approximately 50 nodes) can only get a few tens of K, so it will be relatively slow.

CentOS yum update is very slow, how to deal with it?

Change the 6.3 (or other version number) in /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo to $releasever, and then yum update.

Gem is often slow and unusable, how to switch to the taobao source?

gem sources --remove gem sources -a gem sources -l # make sure only is available. gem install foo

I just did a large concurrent test, and then the cloud host was disconnected, why?

The data center firewall may identify this as an attack and block access to the local IP. If this occurs, please contact technical support.

Why is uploading files to the cloud host so slow?

We do not impose speed limits on uploading files to cloud hosts. If the speed is slow, you can check with your local Internet service provider (ISP) to see if they have imposed any restrictions on upload speeds. (For example, in Shenzhen, regular ADSL has an upload speed limit of 512kbps.)

How to use the two IPs of the double-line computer room for intelligent parsing?

We recommend using DNSPod. You need to enter the following content after logging into the background:

Host Record

The host record is the domain name prefix. Common uses are: www: Resolved domain name is @ : Directly resolves the main domain * : global parsing, matching all other domain names*

Record Type Here we do A record, select A.

Line Type & Record Value The first record type defaults, and the following record value is filled with the telecom IP. The second line type is selected for Unicom, and the following record value is filled with the Unicom IP.


How to modify the DNS address to DNSPod on Aliyun?

Login -> Domain management

Fill in the 2 DNS short addresses of DNSPod (corresponding to 6 servers)

Can the cloud host update the kernel?

It can be updated. Like a physical server, use yum update or apt-get upgrade linux-image.

On CentOS, how do I create a custom kernel rpm package?

Confirm the current kernel version number and download the corresponding SRPM package:

#Confirm current version number uname -r # Go to to find SRPM and download # Points to note # (1) Confirm whether the plus version of the kernel is used. If so, the SRPM is in /centosplus/Source/SPackages/ # (2) Non-plus versions are in the following two directories: /updates/Source/SPackages, /os/Source/SPackages wget

Install SRPM and related RPM tools:

# Install SRPM rpm -ivh kernel-2.6.32-358.14.1.el6.src.rpm # Install related RPM tools yum install rpm-build redhat-rpm-config patchutils xmlto asciidoc elfutils-libelf-devel zlib-devel binutils-devel newt-devel python-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed hmaccalc rng-tools kernel-firmware # Start the rngd service to provide enough entropy value cat /dev/null >/etc/sysconfig/rngd echo 'EXTRAOPTIONS="--rng-device /dev/urandom"' >/etc/sysconfig/rngd service rngd start

Generate kernel source code, use diff to generate patch files:

# Generate kernel source code cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS rpmbuild -bp kernel.spec # Modify and generate diff file cd ~/rpmbuild/BUILD cp -r kernel-2.6.32-358.14.1.el6 kernel-2.6.32-358.14.1.el6.mine diff -urpN kernel-2.6.32-358.14.1.el6 kernel-2.6.32-358.14.1.el6.mine > this-patch-to-fix-that-bug.patch # Copy the patch to SOURCES cp this-patch-to-fix-that-bug.patch ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES # Clean up rm -rf ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/kernel-2.6.32-358.14.1.el6*

Modify the SPEC file to generate a new kernel RPM package:

# Find the following lines, add one after # Source84: config-s390x-generic-rhel # Source85: config-powerpc64-debug-rhel # Source86: config-s390x-debug-rhel # New line Source87: this-patch-to-fix-that-bug.patch Patch001: this-patch-to-fix-that-bug.patch # (Optional) Modify the changelog, find the %changelog line, and then insert the line: * Tue Aug 03 2013 Your Name<> [2.6.32-358.14.1.el6.centos] - [XXX] path to fix that bug

Pack to generate a new kernel RPM package:

# Execute SPEC, the generation process is very long, please be patient. # Before execution, carefully review the above steps to avoid errors and start over rpmbuila -ba kernel.spec # Will generate several RPM packages, the most important of which are as follows, use rpm -ivh to install # kernel-2.6.32-358.14.1.el6.x86_64.rpm # kernel-devel-2.6.32-358.14.1.el6.x86_64.rpm # kernel-headers-2.6.32-358.14.1.el6.x86_64.rpm

How to solve the problem of kernel-devel dependency when installing software packages on CentOS system?

To ensure the stability of the kernel, by default, we added exclude=kernel* centos-release* in the yum configuration file /etc/yum.conf, which can prevent the kernel-related stuff from being updated unintentionally when installing software packages. If you really need to install this software package, you can comment this line of code in /etc/yum.conf.

What is /usr/bin/uga program? What is the uga process in the host?

UGA is a built-in proxy program provided by Surfercloud for the host. It is only used to help users perform automated operations in conjunction with host console functions to improve user experience. UGA cannot be used to view, add, delete, or modify user files.

How to activate Windows Server on UHost?

Windows cloud hosts created on Surfercloud are activated by default, and users do not need to operate them. Refer to KMS Activation Description

If for special reasons, you need to manually activate it, then the steps are as follows:

1.KMS address

First, define the KMS address ($kms_name) of each data center. Step 4 will use $kms_name, please use the corresponding address instead. For example, the address of the North Zone E is If you need other zone addresses, please contact technical support.

  • Enter command directory

Open cmd as administrator -> cd C:\Windows\system32

  • Clear secret key and restart

Execute cscript.exe slmgr.vbs /rearm to clear the unified key, and restart the operating system after completion.

  • Configure KMS

Open cmd with administrator -> cd C:\Windows\system32. Execute cscript.exe slmgr.vbs /skms $kms_name (see step 1)

  • Activate Windows

Execute cscript.exe slmgr.vbs /ato to activate windows