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Cluster LogBuilding UK8S Log Solution Using ELK

Building UK8S Log Solution Using ELK

Next, we’ll cover how to build a UK8S log solution using Elasticsearch, Filebeat, and Kibana.

I. Deploying Elasticsearch

1. About Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch (ES) is an open-source, distributed, RESTful full-text search engine built on Lucene. Elasticsearch is also a distributed document database, where each field can be indexed and each field’s data can be searched. ES can horizontally scale to hundreds of servers to store and process PB-level data. It can store, search, and analyze large volumes of data in a very short time. It typically acts as the core engine in situations with complex search scenarios.

2. Environment Requirements

When running Elasticsearch, the vm.max_map_count kernel parameter must be greater than 262144. Therefore, before starting, make sure this parameter has been adjusted correctly.

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

You can also add an initContainer to the ES orchestration file to modify the kernel parameters, but this requires the kubelet to be started with the —allow-privileged parameter. The UK8S defaults to enabling this parameter. We’ll use the initContainer method in the examples to follow.

3. ES Node Roles

ES Nodes can be divided into several roles:

Master-eligible node is the node that is eligible to be selected as a Master node. Set node.master: true.

Data node is the node that stores data, set as true.

Ingest node is the node that processes data, set as node.ingest: true.

Trible node is used for cluster integration.

For a single-node Node, it defaults to master-eligible and data. For a multi-node cluster, the roles of each node need to be carefully planned based on needs.

4. Deploying Elasticsearch

To facilitate demonstration, we’ll place all object resources in a namespace called elk. So we’ll need to create a namespace first:

kubectl create namespace elk

No Distinction Between Node Roles

Under this mode, roles are not distinguished among nodes in the cluster. Please refer to the elk-cluster.yaml configuration file.

bash-4.4# kubectl apply -f elk-cluster.yaml deployment.apps/kb-single created service/kb-single-svc created statefulset.apps/es-cluster created service/es-cluster-nodeport created service/es-cluster created bash-4.4# kubectl get po -n elk NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE es-cluster-0 1/1 Running 0 2m18s es-cluster-1 1/1 Running 0 2m15s es-cluster-2 1/1 Running 0 2m12s kb-single-69ddfc96f5-lr97q 1/1 Running 0 2m18s bash-4.4# kubectl get svc -n elk NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE es-cluster ClusterIP None <none> 9200/TCP,9300/TCP 2m20s es-cluster-nodeport NodePort <none> 9200:31200/TCP,9300:31300/TCP 2m20s kb-single-svc LoadBalancer 5601:38620/TCP 2m20s bash-4.4#

Access Kibana via kb-single-svc’s EXTERNAL-IP.

Distinguishing Node Roles

If you need to distinguish the roles of the nodes, you need to set up two StatefulSet deployments - one for the Master cluster and one for the Data cluster. In the Data cluster storage example, an emptyDir is simply used. Depending on your needs, you can use localStorage or hostPath. For information about storage, refer to the Kubernetes official website. This method can prevent data loss and index rebuilding when a Data node restarts locally. However, if migration occurs, a shared storage solution is the only way to keep the data. The specific orchestration file can be found here: elk-role-cluster.yaml

bash-4.4# kubectl apply -f elk-role-cluster.yaml deployment.apps/kb-single created service/kb-single-svc created statefulset.apps/es-cluster created statefulset.apps/es-cluster-data created service/es-cluster-nodeport created service/es-cluster created bash-4.4# kubectl get po -n elk NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE es-cluster-0 1/1 Running 0 53s es-cluster-1 1/1 Running 0 50s es-cluster-2 1/1 Running 0 47s es-cluster-data-0 1/1 Running 0 53s es-cluster-data-1 1/1 Running 0 50s es-cluster-data-2 1/1 Running 0 47s kb-single-69ddfc96f5-lxsn8 1/1 Running 0 53s bash-4.4# kubectl get statefulset -n elk NAME READY AGE es-cluster 3/3 2m es-cluster-data 3/3 2m bash-4.4# kubectl get svc -n elk NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE es-cluster ClusterIP None <none> 9200/TCP,9300/TCP 44s es-cluster-nodeport NodePort <none> 9200:31200/TCP,9300:31300/TCP 44s kb-single-svc LoadBalancer 5601:32782/TCP

II. Deploying FileBeat

In the process of log collection, Logstash comes to mind first because it’s an important member of the ELK stack. But during testing, we found that Logstash is based on JDK. Just starting Logstash without generating logs consumes about 500M of memory. In the case of starting a log collection component in each Pod, using Logstash seems to waste system resources. Therefore, we recommend the lightweight log collection tool Filebeat, which consumes only about 12M of memory when started separately. The specific orchestration file can be referred to as filebeat.yaml. This example uses DaemonSet for orchestration.

bash-4.4# kubectl apply -f filebeat.yaml configmap/filebeat-config created daemonset.extensions/filebeat created created created serviceaccount/filebeat created

The configuration of filebeat used in the orchestration file is mounted to /home/uk8s-filebeat/filebeat.yaml. The actual startup of filebeat uses this custom configuration. For information about filebeat’s configuration, see the corresponding explanation in Configuring Filebeat.

The Filebeat command line parameters can be referred to Filebeat Command Reference. The parameters used in this example are explained as follows:

  • -c, —c FILE

Specifies the configuration file used by Filebeat. If not specified, the default configuration file /usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yaml is used.

  • -d, —d SELECTORS

Enables the debug mode for the specified selectors. Selectors is a list separated by commas. -d ”*” means to debug all components. Please turn off this option in the actual production environment. It can be effectively debugged when the configuration is first switched on.

  • -e, —e

Specifies that the log is output to standard error, and the default syslog/file output is turned off.

III. Deploying Logstash (Optional)

Since Filebeat’s message filtering capability is limited, it is usually combined with Logstash in actual production environments. In this architecture, Filebeat acts as a log collector, sending data to Logstash. After parsing and filtering by Logstash, it is sent to Elasticsearch for storage and presented to users by Kibana.

1. Creating Configuration Files

Create the configuration file of Logstash. You can refer to elk-log.conf. More detailed configuration information can be seen in Configuring Logstash. Most Logstash configuration files can be divided into 3 parts: input, filter, and output. The sample configuration file indicates that Logstash gets data from Filebeat and outputs it to Elasticsearch.

2. Create a ConfigMap named elk-pipeline-config based on the configuration file as follows:

bash-4.4# kubectl create configmap elk-pipeline-config --from-file=elk-log.conf --namespace=elk configmap/elk-pipeline created bash-4.4# kubectl get configmap -n elk NAME DATA AGE elk-pipeline-config 1 9s filebeat-config 1 21m

3. Deploy Logstash on K8S cluster.

Write logstash.yaml, and mount the ConfigMap created in the yaml file. It’s important to note that the logstash-oss image is used here. For the differences between the OSS and non-OSS versions, please refer to this link.

bash-4.4# kubectl apply -f logstash.yaml deployment.extensions/elk-log-pipeline created service/elk-log-pipeline created bash-4.4# kubectl get po -n elk NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE elk-log-pipeline-55d64bbcf4-9v49w 1/1 Running 0 50m

4. Check if Logstash is working correctly. If the following content appears, it means Logstash is working normally

bash-4.4# kubectl logs -f elk-log-pipeline-55d64bbcf4-9v49w -n elk [2019-03-19T08:56:03,631][INFO ][logstash.agent ] Successfully started Logstash API endpoint {:port=>9600} ... [2019-03-19T08:56:09,845][INFO ][ ] Beats inputs: Starting input listener {:address=>""} [2019-03-19T08:56:09,934][INFO ][logstash.pipeline ] Pipeline started succesfully {:pipeline_id=>"main", :thread=>"#<Thread:0x77d5c9b5 run>"} [2019-03-19T08:56:10,034][INFO ][] Starting server on port: 5044

5. Modify the output parameter of filebeat.yaml to point the output to Logstash

items: - apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: ... data: filebeat.yml: | ... output.logstash: hosts: ["elk-log-pipeline:5044"] ...

IV. Collecting Application Logs

We’ve deployed Filebeat to collect application logs and output the collected logs to Elasticsearch. Now we’ll use an Nginx application as an example to test whether the logs can be collected, indexed, and displayed properly.

1. Deploying Nginx Application

Create a deployment and LoadBalancer service for Nginx. This way, Nginx can be accessed via EIP. We mount the output path of the Nginx access log to the host’s /var/log/nginx/ path using hostPath.

bash-4.4# kubectl apply -f nginx.yaml deployment.apps/nginx-deployment unchanged service/nginx-cluster configured bash-4.4# kubectl get svc -n elk nginx-cluster NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE nginx-cluster LoadBalancer 5680:48227/TCP 19m bash-4.4# kubectl get po -n elk -l app=nginx NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE nginx-deployment-6c858858d5-7tcbx 1/1 Running 0 36m nginx-deployment-6c858858d5-9xzh8 1/1 Running 0 36m

2. Filebeat Configuration

When Filebeat was deployed before, /var/log/nginx/ was added to inputs.paths, so Filebeat can monitor and collect nginx logs.

filebeat.modules: - module: system filebeat.inputs: - type: log paths: - /var/log/containers/*.log - /var/log/messages - /var/log/nginx/*.log - /var/log/* symlinks: true include_lines: ['hyperkube'] output.logstash: hosts: ["elk-log-pipeline:5044"] logging.level: info index: filebeat-

3. Access the Nginx service through the public network to generate access logs

4. Check Log Capture Status through Kibana