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Cluster ManagementDeploy Dashboard

Deploy Kubernetes Dashboard

Dashboard is an open source Web project of the Kubernetes community. You can deploy updated applications, troubleshoot application failures, and manage Kubernetes cluster resources through Dashboard. In addition, Dashboard also provides information on the cluster status and error logs. Here we will introduce how to deploy and access DashBoard on UK8S.

Deploy Dashboard

UK8S cluster does not install Dashboard by default. If you want to experience the native Dashboard of the community, you need to install it yourself. For details, you can refer to official document. If you execute the following command to install Dashboard, the image used has removed the certificate restriction of Https.

Dashboard v1.10.0

Recommended for Kubernetes 1.12 and below

kubectl apply -f

Official compatibility tips

Kubernetes version1.
  • ✓ Fully supported version range.
  • ? Due to the changes between Kubernetes API versions, some features may not work normally (The test has not covered completely).
  • × Unsupported version range.

Dashboard v2.0.0-rc1

Recommended for Kubernetes 1.13 and above

kubectl apply -f

Official compatibility tips

Kubernetes version1.
  • ✓ Fully supported version range.
  • ? Due to the changes between Kubernetes API versions, some features may not work normally (The test has not covered completely).
  • × Unsupported version range.

You can access or download this yaml file. This yaml file exposes services using external network ULB, which will generate additional EIP costs.

Service access type is HTTP, if you want to use HTTPS, please purchase SSL certificate first.

Dashboard v3.0.0

  • http
kubectl apply -f
  • https
kubectl apply -f
Kubernetes version1.
  • ✓ Fully supported version range.
  • ? Due to the changes between Kubernetes API versions, some features may not work normally (The test has not covered completely).
  • × Unsupported version range.

Access Dashboard

In the above example, we created a service of type LoadBalancer, which can access Dashboard directly through the external IP of the Service (actually the external IP of ULB).

After obtaining the external IP, we directly enter the IP in the browser and arrive at the login page. Both kubeconfig and token are supported. Here we choose Token authentication method. Copy the obtained token to the input box, click login, and then you can start using Dashboard.

Note: When using chrome to log in, a certificate error will be reported. Click advanced to enter (Mac computer needs to blindly type “thisisunsafe” on the keyboard)

Dashboard v1.10.0

Check EIP

kubectl get svc -n kube-system | grep kubernetes-dashboard-http


kubectl describe secret dashboard-ui -n kube-system

Dashboard v2.0.0-rc1

Check EIP

kubectl get svc -n kubernetes-dashboard | grep kubernetes-dashboard


kubectl describe secret -n kubernetes-dashboard kubernetes-dashboard-token

Dashboard v3.0.0


  • The http method only supports local access
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard port-forward svc/kubernetes-dashboard 8080:80


kubectl describe secret -n kubernetes-dashboard kubernetes-dashboard-token
1.24 and above check token
  • Get the access token. Here, the sa kubernetes-dashboard under kubernetes-dashboard has created a token. —duration represents the token validity period.
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard create token kubernetes-dashboard --duration=1h


  • Get external ULB address
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard get svc kubernetes-dashboard --output jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[*]['ip']}"