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Type Version

Type Version


We offer the standard version of the NVMe machine type, featuring UDB SQL Server instances with separate computing and storage layers. These instances are based on high-performance cloud disks and deployed on a single node, providing a low-cost solution with exceptional cost performance. The key features are as follows:

Our architecture separates computing and storage. In the event of a compute node failure, rapid recovery can be achieved by replacing the node. The underlying data is stored in three replicas on the cloud disk, ensuring reliable data integrity. Additionally, any disk failures can be quickly recovered using disk snapshots.

The standard version offers extensive monitoring capabilities for database connections, access patterns, and resource usage. Users can configure corresponding alert strategies for enhanced operational awareness. Compared to self-built servers, this solution is more manageable and provides significant cost savings compared to traditional cloud servers. The standard version nodes are deployed on cloud servers, delivering superior database performance compared to user-built configurations.

The underlying storage medium in the standard version utilizes high-performance cloud disks, making it suitable for a variety of I/O scenarios while maintaining high quality, affordability, and stable performance.


Supported database versions: SQL Server2012 Enterprise Edition, SQL Server2017 Enterprise Edition, SQL Server2019 Enterprise Edition.

Specification Configuration

CPU & memory specifications:

CPU(cores)2 cores4 cores8 cores16 cores32 cores64 cores
Memory(GB)4G, 8G, 16G8G, 16G, 32G16G, 32G, 64G64G, 128G128G, 256G256G, 512G

Hard disk range: 20GB-32000GB.