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Supported Plugins List

This document lists the plugins and their versions supported by various versions of UPgSQL.

Note: - This page only lists commonly used plugins. For more information on plugin support, you can query within the database using the SELECT * FROM pg_available_extensions; command. - Some plugins need to be added to the shared_preload_libraries parameter before use, otherwise the plugin cannot be created.
Plugin NameVersion 13.4Version 12.8Version 10.4Version 9.6Description
postgis3. spatial geographic information related extension
pg_cronNone1.4-11.4-11.4-1Set up scheduled tasks
pg_partmanNone4. to automatically create and maintain table partitioning
pg_pathmanNone1.51.51.5High-performance partition table plugin
mysql_fdwNone1.11.1NoneRead and write data in MySQL database
pg_bigmNone1.21.21.2Creates a binary grammar (2-gram) GIN index to speed up the full-text search process
plproxyNone2. CLUSTER and CONNECT modes, can help you access the database in different ways
pg_hint_planNone1. special comment prompts, allowing PostgreSQL to change its established execution plan
pgauditNone1. detailed session and object audit logging
pg_repackNone1. cleanup table space functionality
hypopgNone1. virtual indexes
sequential_uuidsNone1. generator
pg_squeezeNone1.41.41.4Removes unused space from table and optionally sorts tuples according to a specific index
roaringbitmapNone0.2.660.2.660.2.66Using bitmap functionality, improve query performance.
aggs_for_arraysNone1. extended functions for calculating statistics about numeric arrays.
dblink1. operation table
btree_gin1. an example of a GIN operator class that implements B-tree equivalent behavior for various data types and all enum types
btree_gist1. an example of a GiST operator class that implements B-tree equivalent behavior for various data types and all enum types
chkpassNoneNone1.01.0Implements a data type used to store encrypted passwords
citext1. a case-insensitive string type
cube1. a data type for representing multidimensional cubes
dict_int1. of an additional full-text search dictionary template
earthdistance1. two different methods to calculate the great-circle distance on the earth’s surface
fuzzystrmatch1. the similarity and distance between strings
hstore1. key-value pairs in a single PostgreSQL value
intagg1. an integer aggregator and an enumerator
intarray1. some useful functions and operators to manipulate non-empty integer arrays
isn1. input against a hardcoded prefix list and is also used to concatenate numbers in output
ltree1. to represent labels stored in a hierarchical tree-like data structure
pg_buffercache1. a way to check shared buffer in real time
pg_freespacemap1. free space map (FSM)
pg_prewarm1. a convenient way to load data into the OS buffer or PostgreSQL buffer
pg_stat_statements1. a way to track execution statistics for all SQL statements executed by the server
pg_trgm1. functions and operators for determining similarity of alphanumeric text, and supports quickly searching for similar strings with index operator classes
pgcrypto1. cryptographic functions for PostgreSQL
pgrowlocks1. a function to display row locking information of a specified table
pgstattuple1. various functions to obtain tuple-level statistics
plpgsql1. SQL processing language
postgis_sfcgal3.1.4None3.1.4NonePostGIS SFCGAL spatial geographic information related extension
postgis_tiger_geocoder2. TIGER data spatial geographic information related extension
postgis_topology2. topology data spatial geographic information related extension
postgres_fdw1. operation table
rumNone1.31.31.3High speed full text search
sslinfoNoneNone1.2NoneProvides information about the SSL certificate provided by the current client
tablefunc1. multiple return table functions
tsm_system_rows1. table sampling method SYSTEM_ROWS
tsm_system_time1. table sampling method SYSTEM_TIME
unaccent1. search dictionary, which removes accents (additional characters) from lexemes
zhparserNone2.12.12.1Chinese full text search
postgreml2. AI plugin
pgvector0. source vector similarity search for PostgreSQL