General Limitations
- The lifecycle of the system disk is tied entirely to the lightweight application cloud server; it is purchased with the lightweight application cloud server and used as the system disk. It does not support mounting and unmounting.
- The lightweight application cloud server is configured with a public IP by default, which cannot be replaced and cannot be retained after the cloud server expires.
- The peak bandwidth within the lightweight application cloud server package is the upper limit of public bandwidth for both outbound and inbound directions. It is not a guaranteed business indicator. In cases of resource contention, the peak bandwidth may be constrained. It is not suitable for scenarios requiring strong guarantees for public network quality.
- When the actual usage exceeds the monthly traffic package limit of the plan, the lightweight application cloud server will be billed based on traffic (only outbound traffic is counted), i.e., billing will be based on the traffic consumed by the outbound bandwidth (measured in GB).