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Mount File System (Windows)


Step 1. Install the NFS client

  1. Log in to the Windows cloud host.

  2. Click the Start button in the lower left corner to open the Server Manager.

  3. Select Add roles and features.

  4. Follow the prompts to install the NFS client. a. For Before start, Installation type, Server selection, keep the default selection and click next.
    b. In the Server Roles tab, check Files and Storage Services->Files and iSCSI Services-> NFS Server and click next.
    c. In the Features tab, check NFS Client and click next.
    d. Click Install.

  5. Restart the cloud host.

  6. Open the Command Prompt window, enter the command mount, if the following information is outputted, it means the NFS client is installed.

Step 2. Mount the NFS file system

  1. Open the Command Prompt window and enter the following command to mount the NFS file system.

    mount -o nolock -o mtype=hard -o timeout=10 \\mountpoint_ip\! Z:

    Please replace the mountpoint_ip in the command according to the actual situation of the NFS file system mount point information on the console, and the local drive letter Z can also be replaced according to the actual demand.

  2. After the mount is successful, execute the mount command again to check the mount result.

    Check if the mount type in the properties is hard, timeout time is 10.0 or above, and locking is no. If not, it means the mount is abnormal, please use umount Z: (modify the disk letter according to the actual situation) to unmount the file system, and refer to the above steps to re-mount.

  3. Double-click This PC icon to view the shared file system. Create and delete files/folders in the shared file system to confirm its normal use.

Step 3. Set the NFS file system to auto-mount

  1. Create a mount script auto_mount.bat in the C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp directory of the cloud host, with the following script content.

    mount -o nolock -o mtype=hard -o timeout=10 \\mountpoint_ip\! Z:

    Please replace mountpoint_ip in the command with the actual NFS file system mount point information on the console, and the local drive letter Z can also be replaced as needed.

  2. Create a mount task.
    a. Click the Start button in the lower left corner to open the Control Panel.

    b. Click System and Security and select Scheduled Tasks.

    c. Click Create Task in the operation tab.
    Set the Name in General tab, check Run whether user is logged on or not (if you are using Windows Server 2016, check Run only when user is logged in), and check Run with the highest privileges.

    Click New in the Triggers tab, set Begin the task to At log on, and check Enabled in Advanced settings.

    Click New in the Actions tab, set Action to Start a program, select the script auto_mount.bat created in step 1 in Program or script, and click okay.

    Check Start the task only if the following network connection is available in the Conditions tab, and select Any connection in the drop-down options.

    In the Settings tab, uncheck Allow task to be run on demand and If the task runs for a period longer than this, stop the task. Check If the task is still running when requested to stop, force it to stop. Select Do not start a new instance in the drop-down of If the task is already running, the following rule applies. Click ok.

  3. Restart the cloud host and verify the result. a. Check the scheduled task status. If the following information is displayed, it means the task is executing normally.

    b. Execute the mount command in the Command Prompt window and check the mount information. Confirm whether the mount type is hard, locking is no, timeout is 10 or above. If the mount is normal, the parameters should look as follows.


Step 1. Environment preparation

  1. Log in to the Windows cloud host.

  2. For systems above Windows 2016, you need to configure to allow client anonymous access, and execute the following command.

    REG ADD HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters /f /v AllowInsecureGuestAuth /t REG_DWORD /d 1

Step 2. Mount the SMB file system

Command line mount

  1. Log in to the windows host, open the CMD command line window, and execute the following command to mount the SMB file system.

    net use Z: \\\share
The meanings of each parameter in the mount command are as follows:
Parameter/Option NameDescription
ZThe target disk letter to be mounted on the current Windows system, if there is a conflict, or if multiple NAS file systems are mounted, the disk letters will decrease in alphabetical order.
  1. After the mount is successful, execute the net use command to check the mount information.