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Benchmark Test

Benchmark Testing

Benchmark testing is a type of stress testing for system design, with the aim of understanding system behavior.

Sysbench, as a top-notch MySQL benchmark testing tool, is widely recognized within the industry.

This article applies sysbench under the conditions of 50 concurrent threads and a test duration of 30 minutes, tests six different configuration models of MySQL in four different data volume scenarios, resulting in QPS and TPS data.

QPS Data for Different MySQL Models

TPS Data for Different MySQL Models


  1. Some models in the figure cannot meet some test scenarios due to disk capacity restrictions, so the test results are blank. For example, the small 600M30GB model cannot meet the data volume scenario of “60 tables60W entries/table”.

  2. Test Details: Maximum number of requests: 500,000,000, Test duration: 1800s, Test script: test/db/oltp.lua.