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User GuideContent ManagementContent Prefetch

Content Prefetch

Content prefetch refers to caching source site files to the upper nodes of the CDN after submitting the preheat file. When a user requests for the first time, the CDN node will respond to the user’s request, no need to return to the source site for retrieval.

In general, hot resources are preheated before the business peak to reduce the pressure on the source station and improve the hit efficiency of the request.

Content prefetch only supports file prefetch and does not support directory prefetch.

Prefetching is generally applicable to large files to avoid the slow response of access back source due to the small bandwidth of the source station exit.


  • Fill in the complete path of the file, it must start with http(s):// , such as http(s):// By default, HTTP and HTTPS share caches, it is recommended to use the URL of the HTTP protocol to prefetch.

  • One url per line, with carriage return. A maximum of 30 entries can be submitted at once.

  • When the file is large, prefetching may occupy a large amount of bandwidth, it is recommended to prefetch when it does not affect the business.

  • If you find that the prefetching is always in progress, it may be due to incorrect path filling, please fill in the complete path of the file.

  • Prefetching needs to distribute the files to all accelerated nodes, the total completion time depends on the public network quality of the source site to the acceleration node, a 100M file is estimated within 30 minutes. Occasionally, some small operators and distant areas will be slower, please be patient.

  • The process of prefetching will pull files from the source site, which will increase the bandwidth of your source site and slow down network access.

  • The bandwidth/traffic generated by prefetching is not included in the billing bandwidth and is not displayed on the console.

  • The default prefetching limit for a single domain: 500 entries/day. If you need to increase the prefetching limit, please contact technical support for processing.

When the acceleration type is download, prefetching files is slightly different from page acceleration.

The acceleration of download types, prefetching files is to actively obtain files from the source site to the secondary server for acceleration, it should be noted: the prefetching file cannot be an image, html, text and other file formats that can be accelerated in the web acceleration.

Related API documentation:

Get prefetching task status: DescribeNewUcdnPrefetchCacheTask

Submit prefetching task: PrefetchNewUcdnDomainCache

Operation steps: