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Account Cancellation

Terminate Account

Note: Once the account is terminated, it cannot be retrieved. Please proceed with caution.

Conditions Required for Account Termination

  • No active resources are under the account
  • No arrears under the account

Account Termination Steps

1. Log into the Surfercloud console via master account. Enter “UAccount”, choose “Account Security” and apply for “Cancel Account”. image-4.png

2. Complete the “Cancel Condition Detection”, delete resources/pay late orders in time according to the detection results image-3.png

3. Email verification code verification

4. Termination successful


  • Termination applications that do not meet the termination conditions will fail
  • Considering the risk of irreversible operation termination, some accounts have no termination entry. If you need to terminate, please submit a work order or contact after-sales service to apply for termination
  • After account termination, all accounts (master account and sub-account) will be unable to log in. To continue using Surfercloud, you need to register the account again