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Product PricingMonthly Billing Method

Detailed Description of Monthly Billing Method for Basic Services

If your monthly consumption on the Surfercloud cloud platform exceeds 100,000, you can contact the customer manager to discuss a more flexible monthly bandwidth billing method, or contact technical support for more details.

The billing models are all based on customer accounts, regardless of projects or domain names.

Post-payment of Monthly Bandwidth

Billing Rules:

  1. Billing item: Bandwidth

  2. Payment method: Post-payment, you need to ensure that the account balance is not 0 before use.

  3. Billing cycle: Billed monthly, the bandwidth for the previous month will be settled on the 1st of each month, and the order will be generated by matching the price.

  4. Calculation method: Monthly 95 billing, fourth peak bandwidth billing, daily peak monthly average bandwidth billing, daily 95 monthly average bandwidth billing, etc.

Billing MethodCalculation Rules
Monthly 95 bandwidth billingTake a data point every 5 minutes, 1 hour=12 points, 1 day=12×24 points, if one month is 30 days=12×24×30 points, then remove the top 5% points with the highest values, the highest remaining bandwidth is the 95 billed bandwidth value.
Daily 95 Monthly Average Bandwidth BillingTake a data point every 5 minutes, 1 hour=12 points, 1 day=12×24 points, then remove the top 5% points with the highest values every day, add up the highest daily remaining bandwidth / number of days in the month, the result is the bandwidth value billed by the daily 95 monthly average bandwidth.
Daily Peak Monthly Average Bandwidth BillingTake a point every 5 minutes, 1 hour =12 points, 1 day=12×24 points, take the maximum peak bandwidth value everyday and arrange in order, add up the daily peak bandwidth/ number of days of the month, the result is the bandwidth value charged to the customer for the month.
Fourth Peak Bandwidth BillingFourth day peak, take a point every 5 minutes, 1 hour=12 points, 1 day=12×24 points, if one month is 30 days=12×24×30 points, take the maximum peak of each day and arrange in order, the fourth largest peak is the bandwidth value charged to the customer for the month.

Post-payment of Monthly Traffic

Billing Rules:

  1. Billing item: Traffic

  2. Payment method: Post-payment, you need to ensure that the account balance is not 0 before use.

  3. Billing cycle: Billed monthly, the traffic for the previous month will be settled on the 1st of each month, and the order will be generated by matching the price.

  4. Calculation method: Accumulation of monthly traffic.

Website Acceleration WebSocket Monthly Traffic Billing

Currently, the site-wide acceleration only supports domestic regional services. WebSocket is a value-added service, which is not enabled by default. If necessary, please contact the account manager to enable it.

The default billing method is monthly traffic billing. If you need to adjust to bandwidth billing, please contact the customer manager for adjustment.

Billing Rules:

  1. Billing item: Traffic

  2. Payment method: Post-payment

  3. Billing cycle: Billed monthly, the traffic for the previous month will be settled on the 1st of each month, and the order will be generated by matching the price.

  4. Calculation method: Accumulation of monthly traffic.

Website Acceleration WebSocket Monthly Bandwidth Billing

  1. Billing item: Bandwidth

  2. Payment method: Post-payment, you need to ensure that the account balance is not 0 before use.

  3. Billing cycle: Billed monthly, the bandwidth for the previous month will be settled on the 1st of each month, and the order will be generated by matching the price.

  4. Calculation method: Monthly 95 billing, Fourth Peak Bandwidth Billing, Daily Peak Monthly Average Bandwidth Billing, Daily 95 Monthly Average Bandwidth Billing, choose a suitable billing method for you.