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Dear SurferCloud Users,
We have recently received feedback from some users who reported that they did not register for a SurferCloud account but received charges from SurferCloud. We want to address this issue and provide clarification to ensure that all our users are informed and can take appropriate action.
SurferCloud accepts credit/debit card payments via the Stripe platform. All payments are processed only when the user explicitly enters their credit/debit card details, including the card number, expiration date, and cardholder name. We only process payments after the user has authorized the transaction. SurferCloud does not engage in any unauthorized or fraudulent charges on Credit Card or Debit Card.
If you have not registered for a SurferCloud account but have received a charge, it is possible that your credit/debit card information has been exposed or compromised. We strongly recommend that you immediately contact your credit card or debit card service provider to verify the details of the charge and take appropriate action, such as freezing your card or changing your account information.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. SurferCloud is committed to providing a secure and trusted payment environment, and we follow strict security measures to protect payment transactions. However, the exposure of credit/debit card information is typically the result of external factors that are beyond our control.
SurferCloud is continuously working to enhance our security measures to provide you with a safer experience. We take all feedback seriously and are committed to improving our systems to prevent similar incidents in the future.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team. We are here to help you resolve any concerns.
Thank you for your understanding and support!
The SurferCloud Team
SurferCloud 重要公告:關於信用卡/借記卡未授權扣款的說明
親愛的 SurferCloud 用戶:
我們最近收到了一些用戶的反饋,表示他們並未註冊過 SurferCloud 帳戶,但卻收到了來自 SurferCloud 的扣款通知。對此,我們深感抱歉,並希望在此澄清一些情況,以幫助您了解並採取適當的行動。
SurferCloud 通過 Stripe 平台處理信用卡/借記卡支付。所有支付行為都必須用戶明確輸入信用卡/借記卡信息(包括卡號、有效期及持卡人姓名)後進行授權。我們僅會在用戶明確授權的情況下處理支付,不會進行任何未經授權的扣款。
如果您並未註冊 SurferCloud 帳戶,但卻收到了扣款通知,這可能是您的信用卡/借記卡信息遭到泄露或被他人盜用所造成的。我們強烈建議您立刻聯繫您的信用卡服務提供商,核實扣款明細並採取相應的處理措施,如凍結卡片或更改賬戶密碼等。
我們對此類情況深感遺憾,並對可能給您帶來的不便表示歉意。SurferCloud 一直致力於為用戶提供安全的支付環境,並嚴格遵守相關的法律法規。我們通過 Stripe 平台處理支付,並已採取各種安全措施來確保交易安全。然而,信用卡/借記卡信息的洩露通常是由外部因素引起的,這超出了我們的控制範圍。
SurferCloud 一直在不斷提升我們的安全防護措施,為您提供更安全的使用體驗。我們非常重視每位用戶的反饋,並將繼續加強系統和支付安全性,防止類似情況的發生。
SurferCloud 團隊
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